After recently attending a social media event with like-minded professionals who believe in the importance of the tool, it was clear to me that the business benefits of social media are indisputable.
Sure it’s challenging to measure the exact ROI of your efforts. You can’t monetize a tweet or a blog comment, but there’s no denying that social media offers an affordable and effective way to connect with your audience, build relationships and create brand awareness.
And as a business, isn’t that what will ultimately increase sales? (Along with a great service or product of course!)
The old adage of “if you build it, they will come” doesn’t hold true in today’s society with so much competition out there. It’s important to not only differentiate your brand, but also create loyal customers who won’t get distracted by the next big, or shiny, thing.
Social media tools enable you to connect directly to your customers and get a clear understanding of who they are and what they want which is the key to any company’s success. After all, where would you be without your customers?
Developing a good social media campaign can help you form trusted relationships that go a long way. It’s human nature to form connections and communities, so listening to what people are saying (both good and bad) and having two-way communication is key in forming that bond with your audience and giving them what they really want.
Using social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, Digg and Wordpress properly can easily increase your visibility and create brand awareness.

But with that said, don’t try to be everywhere. Just because there’s a social media tool available, it doesn’t mean that it will necessarily enhance your business.
The first step is to set your goal. What do you want to accomplish? Generate leads? Increase traffic to your Web site? Engage your customers? Whatever it may be, it’s important to build your plan around achieving your goals. Do your research and figure out what tools will best suit your needs and then focus on kicking *ss in those medias. Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be everywhere, because no one will notice you.
Social networks offer endless opportunities to connect with your target audience and attract new fans. Without a doubt, if you put effort into engaging, interacting and informing your audience, you’ll add value to their lives and create loyal followers who trust your brand.